One year ago today, I started a new journal. I wrote the following: I just returned from a weekend at home with mom and dad in Paris...I REALLY didn't want to start this journal until I could start it off knowing exactly where I was moving to. But, no. It didn't happen that way. So yeah- in 5 weeks- I will be moving. To the East or West. To Arizona or South Carolina. Um. Little did I know what would REALLY happen. It wouldn't be until 2 weeks later that my friend Grace would call me with a job opportunity I couldn't resist. Even if it did mean moving to Tallahassee, Florida where I knew no one. And I would get an official job offer 3 1/2 weeks later. And then 3 weeks later I'd pack my bags and move. Here I am, a year later, in Tallahassee, Florida with another big decision to be made. I signed a year lease at the apartment complex here in Tally. My year lease ends soon. I have to let them know today what my future plans are. And I thought I should l...